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The fascinating world of polymers

Séminaire Chimie ED459 / LabEx CheMISyst

Prof. Emeritus Pratap Bahadur (Chemistry Department, VNSG Veer Narmad South Gujarat University, Surat, India | Prof. invité LabEx CheMISyst)

Le Jeudi 18 Avril 2019 à 15h30

ENSCM, Amphithéâtre Godechot (campus Balard, 240 av. Émile-Jeanbrau)

Date de début : 2019-04-18 15:30:00

Date de fin : 2019-04-18 17:30:00

Lieu : ENSCM amphi Godechot (campus Balard, 240 av E. Jeanbrau)

Intervenant : Prof. Emeritus Pratap Bahadur

Chemistry Department, VNSG Veer Narmad South Gujarat University, Surat, India | Prof. invité LabEx CheMISyst

The present talk will take you to the extremely interesting world of polymers used as commodity and engineering materials to high performance and specifically designed macromolecules. It will focus on a brief description on historical developments in this multidisciplinary subject from pre- to post Staudinger’s period, various classification schemes, different synthetic routes and advances in polymerization, characterization of polymers using various experimental techniques. The solid state properties and solution behaviour of polymeric substances distinct from low molecular weight compounds along with a brief description of processing/technological aspects will be highlighted.

(this lecture is the first of a series of three by Prof. Em. P. Bahadur, scheduled until April 25th, 2019 at ENSCM)

Contact local ICSM : Dr. Stéphane Pellet-Rostaing, D.R. CNRS (équipe LTSM, directeur ICSM)