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Biocatalysis, a necessary tool for synthetic chemists – a focus on industrial applications

Séminaire Chimie ED459

Dr. Juliette Martin, resp. partenariats R&D (Protéus by Seqens, Nîmes)

Le Jeudi 30 Mars 2023 à 14h

CNRS, Amphithéâtre Balard (bâtiment Balard RdC, 1919 route de Mende)

Date de début : 2023-03-30 14:00:00

Date de fin : 2023-03-30 15:30:00

Lieu : CNRS amphi Balard

Intervenant : Dr. Juliette Martin, resp. partenariats R&D

Protéus by Seqens, Nîmes

Protéus by SEQENS is a pioneer in biotechnology field, specialized in the discovery, engineering and production of enzymes for industrial applications, as well as in the development of innovative bioprocesses involving these enzymes. Protéus by SEQENS is part of the SEQENS Group, an integrated global leader in pharmaceutical solutions and specialty ingredients producing high-value complex molecules.

Enzymes enable unique and specific functionalization difficult to achieve by conventional chemical processes within competitiveness. Taking advantage of this attribute, we will demonstrate their potential through several examples showing the high selectivity and specificity of these enzymes as well as their potential industrial applications. For instance, non-natural aminoacids synthesis [1] without protection/deprotection steps, we will also present an example of regioselective acylation within high specificity.[2] Finally, biocatalysis can be a true alternative for precious metal replacement.

Scheme: see illustration in attached PDF abstract.


1. L. Hecquet, et al, Org. Process Res. Dev. 2020, 24(5), 769–775.

2. Patent WO2012013765.

Contact local IBMM : Dr. Frédéric Lamaty (Green Chem group)

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