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A delegation of the Jagiellonian University of Krakow at the Faculty of Pharmacy of Montpellier

On November 6th, the Faculty of Pharmacy of Montpellier hosted a delegation from the Faculty of Pharmacy of the Jagiellonian University of Krakow as part of a ceremony in honor of Prof. Maciej Pawłowski to celebrate more than 35 years of collaboration with Prof. Jean Martinez and the IBMM teams (Amino Acids, Peptides and Proteins Team, Green Chemistry and Enabling Technologies Team). This collaboration has led to numerous international scientific articles and industrial transfers in the field of therapeutic chemistry.
In this capacity, Prof. Maciej Pawłowski, accompanied by the Dean Prof. Jacek Sapa and the Vice-Dean, Prof. Anna Wesołowska, was awarded the medal of the University of Montpellier by President Philippe Augé, as well as the medal of the Faculty of Pharmacy.

On 7 November, in the context of the 2019 French-Polish Scientific Year, a workshop entitled “From Chemistry to Biology” was held, bringing together researchers from Krakow and Montpellier.

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