Pierre CUQ obtained, at the University of Montpellier 1, his degree in Pharmacy and his master in Health Biology (MRT scholarship) in 1989 and, in 1994 under the direction of Professor Jean-Pierre BALI, his Ph.D on the muscarinic control of the colic smooth muscle. He continued this work in Montpellier for 2 years with an industrial grant (SEROLAB, Switzerland). In 1996 he joined, with a position of temporary assistant, Pr Jean-Paul CANO's team (EA697) to develop a gene therapy approach, the genetically controlled pharmacomodulation of fluoropyrimidine cytotoxicity. He was recruited as assistant Professor in 1997. In 1999, in the new team (EA2994) of Pr Laurence VIAN, he initiated a research project for predictive markers of response of malignant melanoma (MM) to chemotherapy treatments then, in 2023, he took responsibility for the group chemoresistance of MM. In 2007, he was promoted to Professor and his group joined the IBMM Pharmacology team led by Pr Jean MARTINEZ. Finally, in 2016, he took responsibility for the F16 “Oncopharmacochemistry and Cutaneous Pharmacotoxicology” team, In education, Professor Pierre CUQ teaches Toxicology since 1996. Since 2010, he is the Head of the Toxicology Department of the Faculty of Pharmacy. In 2015 he co-created, with Professor Jacqueline AZAY-MILHAU, the “Development of health products: quality and safety” course in the Master of Medicinal and Health Products Sciences. Finally, from 2018 to 2022, he was President of GATOX (Associated Group of TOXicology Teachers).