Author Archive for: s.hernandez-adm

Entries by Stephanie HERNANDEZ

The supramolecular chemistry of the antibiotic Teixobactin – how basic research on a new antibiotic has provided new insights and exciting opportunities

Séminaire Chimie ED459 Prof. James S. Nowick, Distinguished Professor (Depts of Chemistry and Pharmaceutical Sciences, University of California Irvine, CA, USA) Le Jeudi 11 Mai 2023 à 14h ENSCM, Amphithéâtre Godechot (240 av. Émile-Jeanbrau) Date de début : 2023-05-11 14:00:00 Date de fin : 2023-05-11 15:30:00 Lieu : ENSCM amphi Godechot (240 av E. Jeanbrau) […]

Reactive extrusion (REX): the future of drug synthesis, continuous and solvent-free, is now!

The pharmaceutical industry is a major consumer of organic solvents, which are often dangerous, toxic and polluting, for the production of active pharmaceutical ingredients (APIs). To counter the ecological and economic challenges linked to the use of solvents in the fine chemicals industry, the Green Chemistry and Enabling Technologies team at IBMM has been involved […]

PXR and Chemoresistance

Conventional medicinal chemistry strategies are particularly difficult to inhibit the nuclear xenobiotic receptor PXR. However, its role in the degradation of anticancer drugs, as well as chemoresistance and the progression of many types of cancer, makes it an appealing therapeutic target. A first family of PROTACs (Proteolysis Targeting Chimera) has been successfully developed after 4 […]

Mathilde GROSJEAN receives award for best oral presentation at the 50th national conference of GFP (Groupe Français d’Etudes et d’Applications des Polymères)

Mathilde Grosjean had the opportunity to represent the Department of Polymers for Health and Biomaterials of the IBMM at the 50th national conference of GFP (Groupe Français d’Etudes et d’Applications des Polymères) by presenting part of her PhD work supervised by Benjamin Nottelet about dual-crosslinked elastomeric networks with self-healing properties and to be awarded the […]

Best award in the Mechanochemistry Challenge

The Green Chemistry and Enabling Technologies team (F11) was awarded the first prize in the Mechanochemistry Challenge (video competition) organized by Deasyl Innovation Green Chemistry in collaboration with the WAB group. Organized during the summer of 2022, this competition aimed to show, in video, how mechanochemistry could make chemistry more environmentally friendly. With the involvement […]