Archive for category: Institute life

A new publication by team GreenChem highlighted by ChemistryViews

The team Green Chemistry and Enabling Technologies published…

Womed is in the spotlight in “La Lettre Innovation du CNRS”

To read the aertiche :…

The team of Muriel Amblard and Anthony Martin publishes in Nature Cancer!

PROTACs-PI3Kγ open a new pathway for targeted treatment of acute…

IBMM welcomes Prof Sébastien Papot, on June 26th

Wednesday June 26Th at 10 am Prof. Sébastien Papot will give…

News about tardigrades!

41% of tardigrade genes do not exist in any other living species,…

“Polymers for Health” team welcomes Emmanuel Pauthe and organizes a conference

Emmanuel Pauthe, 52 years-old, Professor at CY Cergy-Paris Université,…

Womed in the spotlight of UM news

To read the article (in french) : https://www.umontpellier.f…

IBMM is hosting Professor SANTANU BHATTACHARYA from May 1st to 31st.

As part of the EXPLORE#5 program, IBMM is hosting Professor SANTANU…

Reactive extrusion (REX): the future of drug synthesis, continuous and solvent-free, is now!

The pharmaceutical industry is a major consumer of organic solvents,…