Archive for category: Institute life

Some Green Chemistry from IBMM in the CNRS 80 years anniversary book

An unpublished work presents, in 80 texts, how the CNRS and more…

Eva Bednářová is awarded a fellowship from the Experientia Foundation

The young scientist Eva Bednářová, the first woman to receive…

Synthesize metal complexes in an innovative way, it’s possible!

Access to organometallic compounds or coordination complexes…

Mechanochemistry opens the way to nucleotide synthesis

Collaborative work between the "Nucleosides and Phosphoryl Effectors"…

An extruder for greener peptide synthesis

The IBMM Green Chemistry and Innovative Technologies team is…

Thomas-Xavier Métro, laureate of EMERGENCE@INC2018

The project entitled « CO2 valorization by mechanochemistry…

Audrey Beillard received the Prix Sabatier d’Espeyran

Audrey Beillard (team Green Chemistry and Enabling Technologies)…

Marcin Drop awarded a Poster Prize in the engineering category during the Royal Society of Chemistry Conference

Marcin Drop, a student involved in a shared thesis program between…