LAAB Association

The LAboratory Association of Balard (LAAB) is a non-profit association (law 1901) bringing together staff working within the Pôle Chimie Balard Recherche building. It offers various informal events in bars, outdoors and in the Balard building so that “the chemists of Montpellier know each other” or at least have already crossed paths once!

Indeed, we start from the principle that good collaboration begins with knowing each other. And what better way to get to know each other than to meet over a drink and a good chat, or karaoke, or a quiz!

That’s what LAAB is all about: providing a good atmosphere in the building and, why not, allowing new scientific collaborations to emerge…

But it is also a force of suggestion! Indeed, in consultation with the chemistry student association at the Faculty of Sciences, we proposed to the Balard Doctoral School of Chemical Sciences to give training hours for doctoral students who would like to tutor undergraduate and graduate students. This proposal was accepted by the Doctoral School !

We invite you to follow us on Instagram and Facebook so you don’t miss any of the events we organize and we could discuss some projects you would see to help the doctoral life of the Pôle Chimie!

See you soon !!

Bureau initiateur (2022-2023)

Bureau actuel (2023-2024)

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Institut des Biomolécules Max Mousseron
UMR 5247
Pôle Chimie Balard Recherche
1919 route de Mende
34293 Montpellier