The research group Green Chemistry and Enabling Technologies is part of the Department of Amino acids, Peptides and Proteins of the Institut des Biomolécules Max Mousseron (IBMM) headed by Prof. Pascal Dumy. Located on the CNRS campus of Montpellier, in the Balard building, our team devotes its activities towards the development of a more sustainable chemistry, by using modern synthesis technologies, such as mechanochemistry, continuous flow and microwaves. These approaches enable the efficient and eco-responsible preparation of organic molecules, organometallics and materials, by using solvent-free synthesis, alternative solvents and catalysis. These new  molecules, synthesized in an innovative way, find applications in medicinal chemistry, catalysis and depollution.

Our Themes

Mechanochemistry uses mechanical forces to synthesize molecules in the absence of solvents. This topic consists of developing methods and equipment for implementing sustainable mechanosynthesis of target molecules with a wide variety of structures: peptides, nucleosides, heterocycles, coordination compounds, organometallics, polymers… This includes a study of the reaction, its efficiency and environmental impact. By using vibratory or planetary ball-mills, and by optimizing the reaction conditions in the context of green chemistry, the compounds of interest can be obtained quickly and efficiently, while limiting the use of toxic reagents and solvents, as well as facilitating the purification steps. Interestingly, in some cases this new activation method can be used to obtain compounds that are difficult or impossible to synthesize in solution.

More and more chemical synthetic processes, including those in fine chemicals, are using continuous flow chemistry. However, this approach is complicated, if not impossible, in the case of solids or with highly concentrated mixtures, requiring generally large quantities of solvents. To overcome this problem, we are developing the use of an extruder as a chemical reactor capable of continuously handling concentrated reaction mixtures. This approach is applied to the synthesis of organic molecules of interest. Working in flow enables us to obtain the desired compounds of interest, such as peptides or the active ingredients of pharmaceutical compounds, in extremely short times, with excellent yields and under conditions that can easily be scaled up.

This topic involves adapting innovative synthetic chemistry tools (microwaves, continuous flow, mechanochemistry) for application in medicinal chemistry. The therapeutic target is the 5-HT6 receptor, involved in biological processes related to Alzheimer’s disease, depression, addiction and autism spectrum disorders. This project is being carried out in collaboration with the Jagellonian University Medical College (Krakow, Poland) and the Institut de Génomique Fonctionnelle (IGF) in Montpellier. In this topic, enabling technologies are being used to develop new synthesis tools that are eco-responsible and extremely efficient, taking medicinal chemistry into a new dimension. The compounds of interest, nitrogen-containing heterocycles such as  pyrroloquinolines or arylpyrroles core, are not only obtained more quickly and efficiently than by using conventional solution chemistry, but also synthesized as closely as possible to the principles of green chemistry.

The members of the team

Frédéric LAMATY


Frédéric graduated as a chemical engineer from the Ecole Supérieure de Chimie Industrielle de Lyon (ESCIL now ESCPE, France). In 1992, he received his Ph.D. from Purdue University (West Lafayette, IN USA) under the supervision of Professor Ei-chi Negishi in the field of Pd-catalyzed cyclizations. He then joined, as a Rhône-Poulenc postdoctoral fellow, the group of Professor Marc Julia at the Ecole Normale Supérieure in Paris to work on the synthesis of Vitamin A. In 1994, he obtained a permanent position at the Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS) in Montpellier and is currently working as Directeur de Recherche at the Max Mousseron Institute for Biomolecules (IBMM). Since 2011, he is heading the Green Chemistry and Enabling Technologies team at IBMM. His research topics in the area of catalysis, organic and green chemistry, are devoted to the synthesis of amino acids, peptides, heterocycles and organometallics, the use of alternative solvents (PEG, PEG-IL, glycerol, water) and enabling technologies (microwaves, ultra-sounds, ball-milling, continuous flow, reactive extrusion) with an emphasis on mechanochemistry. He was awarded in 2011 the Prix des Techniques Innovantes pour l’Environnement ADEME-Pollutec for his activity in peptide mechanosynthesis in solvent-free conditions.

Ben Seffaj Ismael
Ismael Ben Seffaj

M2 intern

Ismael is currently in his second year of a Master's degree in Molecular and Therapeutic Chemistry at the University of Nantes. Interested in organic chemistry and its applications, he first obtained a Bachelor's degree in Chemistry from the University of Perpignan (UPVD) before pursuing a Master's degree to deepen his...

Adrien Gallego

Graduate student

Adrien graduated in 2023 from CPE Lyon in chemistry and chemical engineering and got a Master degree in organic synthesis and chemistry of bioactive molecules from the University Claude Bernard Lyon 1. He joined Thierry Billard’s group for his master thesis that focused on acid fluoride formation via in situ...

Gateau Carine
Carine Gateau

Other intern

Carine is currently third-year student of a BUT in Chemistry, specialized in Synthesis, at the IUT Montpellier-Sète located in Sète. During her second year of BUT, she had the opportunity to spend a 10-week internship on the synthesis of organic redox mediators for fuel cell applications, at ICGM Montpellier, under...

Matthieu Lavayssiere

Graduate student

Matthieu began his academic cursus by obtaining a Bachelor degree at the University of Pau and the Pays de l’Adour. He continued his studies with a Master degree at the University of Montpellier, specializing in the chemistry of bioactive molecules. He joined the Green Chemistry and Enabling Technologies team at...

Metge Logan
Logan Metge

Other intern

Logan Metge is a third-year student in the Bachelor's of Technology (BUT) program in Chemistry with a focus on synthesis, at the Sète department. During his second year, he completed an internship in the field of inorganic chemistry with the SIBELCO group, analyzing and monitoring the quality of mineral materials...

Mohamad Zawawi
Mohamad Zawawi

Graduate student

Mohamad began his academic career by obtaining a Licence and a Master 1 in Molecular Chemistry at the Lebanese University. He then went on to complete a Master 2 at the University Claude Bernard Lyon 1. During his Master, he carried out a research internship at CPE Lyon under the...

Shaima Khammari
Shaima Khammari

M2 intern

Shaïma began her university career by obtaining a Bachelor's degree in Chemistry at the University of Aix-Marseille, and continued her studies with a Master's specialized in green chemistry and eco-innovations at the University of Savoie Mont Blanc in Chambéry. During the first year of her Master's, she carried out a...

Joao Tanepau

Graduate student

Joao completed his higher education at the Paul-Sabatier University, Toulouse, graduating with a Bachelor’s degree in Organic Chemistry. He then obtained a Master degree in Green Chemistry, which enabled him to further specialize in organic chemistry via new, more environmentally-friendly activation methods. During this Master degree, he completed a first...

Team Publications


Institut des Biomolécules Max Mousseron
UMR 5247
Pôle Chimie Balard Recherche
1919 route de Mende
34293 Montpellier