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Thomas-Xavier Métro is invited speaker at the 23rd Annual Green Chemistry & Engineering Conference (GC&E) and 9th International Conference on Green and Sustainable Chemistry (GSC)

Thomas-Xavier Métro is invited speaker at the 23rd Annual Green Chemistry & Engineering Conference (GC&E) and 9th International Conference on Green and Sustainable Chemistry (GSC) that will be held in Reston (Virginia, USA) from 11th to 13th of June 2019. Since 1996, the GC&E has been hosted by the American Chemical Society’s Green Chemistry Institute to convene those interested in innovative and sustainable chemistry and engineering. This event is joint this year with the 9th GSC. More than a thousand of attendees are expected for this event, gathering a large array of expertise, from fundamental research to industrial application, all of which placing this event at the forefront of innovation in green chemistry.

Full program