Ranim Garrouch graduated from the National Institute of Applied Sciences and Technology (INSAT) in Tunisia with an engineering degree in industrial chemistry. She completed her final-year internship at the Max Mousseron Institute of Biomolecules (IBMM), within the Amino Acids, Heterocycles, Peptides, and Proteins team, in collaboration with Centre Technique du Cuir (CTC) and the Charles Gerhardt Institute of Montpellier (ICGM). This project focused on the inorganic functionalization of leather using the sol-gel process. Currently a Ph.D. candidate under a CIFRE contract, supervised by Pr. Ahmad Mehdi (ICGM) and Pr. Gilles Subra (IBMM), her research aims to develop innovative tanning methods for hides using the sol-gel process and to functionalize leather to endow it with specific properties.