Christine Enjalbal is specialized in mass spectrometry. She received her PhD in peptide chemistry in 1994 at the University of Swansea (UK) and she is now full professor of mass spectrometry at the Faculty of Sciences of Montpellier University. She conducts her researches in the Institute of Biomolecules Max Mousseron, in the field of organic mass spectrometry with major applications in peptide sciences (structural characterization, fragmentation, quantitation). She is the scientific head of the IBMM team ‘Analytical Sciences of Biomolecules’ involved in fundamental and applicative researches dedicated to the analyses of peptides and proteins as targeted biomolecules, and to a less extent small organics in the context of pharmaceutical and therapeutic issues. Pr. Christine Enjalbal is also director of the analytical facilities of the University of Montpellier dedicated to biomolecules characterization (LMP platform).