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Welcome on the DSBC group website
The DSBC Research Group is one of the 17 teams of the Max Mousseron Institute of Biomolecules (IBMM) in Montpellier, France.
After having been hosted since its origins by the University of Montpellier (Faculty of Sciences), since end 2021 the DSBC group and its 12 staff members have moved nextdoor into the Balard Research building on the CNRS campus.
Research in the DSBC group is mainly involved in physical organic chemistry and analytical chemistry, mostly of α-amino acids, (poly)peptides and their derivatives. We are especially interested in both (i) the development of innovating separative science methodologies applying to polymers, and (ii) a physico-chemical approach of the reactivity of biomolecules and/or their precursors or derivatives.
Topics currently under investigation in the group are related to three major directions:
(1) electrokinetic separation methods,
(2) Taylor dispersion analysis methods, and
(3) prebiotic chemistry and the emergence of life.

The DSBC group, as of June 2023