Institut des Biomolécules Max Mousseron
UMR 5247
Pôle Chimie Balard Recherche
1919 route de Mende
34293 Montpellier
Martin VEBER
M2 intern
Assistant-Engineer (permanent staff)
STLS - Service Technique Logistique & Sécurité Balard
04 48 79 21 88
Assistant Professor (permanent staff)
F17 - Pharmacochemistry Synaptic Transmission & Neuroprotection
04 48 79 20 66
Emeritus , Full Professor (permanent staff)
F14 - Glyco and nanovectors for therapeutic targeting
04 48 79 21 38
Technician (permanent staff)
EqL - Équipe de Liaison et d’AIde à la Recherche
04 48 79 20 45
Technical staff (temporary) , Temporary position
C5 - Biopolymers for Health and Biomaterials
04 48 79 22 33
Full Professor (permanent staff)
F14 - Glyco and nanovectors for therapeutic targeting
04 48 79 21 38