The DSBC team is mainly involved in analytical chemistry (separation sciences) and physical organic chemistry (reactivity) for the study and the characterization of biomolecules. DSBC research topics are organised according to three major directions:

  • Capillary electrophoresis methodologies
  • Taylor dispersion analysis
  • Prebiotic chemistry, systems chemistry and the emergence of life

Our Themes

We are developing all modes of CE methodologies for the characterization of biomolecules, biopharmaceuticals (including vaccine formulations such as mRNA lipid nanoparticles), (bio)polymers, proteins, polyelectrolytes, drug delivery systems, dendrimers, nanoparticles, colloids and bacteria. These modes include free solution and gel-based separations, zone and frontal modes, mobility-shift affinity mode, micellar / microemulsion modes, isoelectric focusing, isotachophoresis, preconcentration strategies, 2D-separations in a single capillary. We are both interested in fundamentals (separation efficiency, adsorption phenomenon, mobility modeling) and practical (or industrial) applications of CE.

Recent advances include fundamental understanding and practical solutions to optimize separation efficiency and to limit solute adsorption using capillary coatings based on polyelectrolyte multilayers (SMIL). Our expertise is also devoted to the study of biomolecules interactions (stoichiometry and binding constants) including complex molecular systems such as antigens / adjuvant in vaccines, active ingredient / protein or protein / polyelectrolytes.

We are developing methodologies based on Taylor dispersion analysis (TDA) for the characterization of complex (bio)molecular systems. Advanced data processing of the taylorgrams were developed to extract the size distribution of all detected soluble species contained in the analyzed sample. Modern miniaturized TDA is performed in a capillary with low injection volumes (about nL) and fast analysis (few min). TDA is a straightforward and absolute sizing method that does not require any calibration, nor sample filtration. Developed applications include the sizing of lipid nanoparticle (LNP), the monitoring of aggregative process (such as beta-amyloid peptide aggregation), the study of biomolecular interactions (for instance in vaccine formulation) or the characterization of drug delivery systems (such as Self-emulsifying drug delivery systems, SEDDS). We are both interested in fundamental and practical aspects of TDA.

Recent advances include fundamental understanding and practical solutions to limit solute adsorption, the optimization of operating conditions, and the development of new applications at the interface with biology / biomedical sciences.

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The transition towards the living state is studied through a dynamic approach based on the application of physicochemical principles. The Darwinian description of biological evolution can thus be integrated into a wider view starting from far-from-equilibrium chemical systems including replicators or autocatalytic loops (Systems chemistry). We are involved in the study of thermodynamic constraints governing these dissipative systems capable of giving rise to emergent properties. Concerning the experimental aspect, our team focuses its interest on the chemistry of amino acids with the aim of demonstrating how certain properties (e.g. homochirality) can be selected by the transformation of high-energy derivatives (α-amino acid N-carboxyanhydrides (NCAs) or 5(4H)-oxazolones for instance). Their interaction with nucleotides is susceptible of generating chemical intermediates closely related to the biochemical protein synthetic pathways and then likely to have been involved in the emergence of translation.

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The members of the team



Prof. Hervé Cottet graduated from the École Supérieure de Physique et Chimie Industrielles de la ville de Paris (ESPCI, Paris, France) in 1996. He completed his PhD in analytical chemistry in 1999 at the École Nationale Supérieure de Chimie de Paris (ENSCP, Chimie ParisTech, France) under the supervision of Prof. Pierre Gareil. After a one-year post-doc at the Technical University of Eindhoven (NL), he joined the University of Montpellier in 2000 as an Assistant Professor. In 2007, he obtained a full Professor position at the IBMM. In 2011, he was appointed a junior member of the Institut Universitaire de France. Since 2012, he is the head of a research department at the IBMM. His research work focuses at the interface between separation sciences, analytical chemistry, polymers and pharmaceutical sciences, with expertise in Capillary Electrophoresis and Taylor Dispersion Analysis.

Personnal website

BIRON Jean-Philippe
Jean-Philippe BIRON

Engineer (design/devt. eng. | permanent staff)

Jean-Philippe Biron graduated from the National School of Chemistry, Montpellier, in 1991, with a DEA in Polymers, Interfaces and Amorphous States. The same year he joined the CNRS as an organic synthesis engineer in a team led by Prof. Pierre Potier at the Institute of Chemistry of Natural Substances (ICSN,...

Boiteau Laurent
Laurent Boiteau

Associate Scientist (permanent staff)

Laurent Boiteau earned his engineer degree from the École Polytechnique (Paris-Saclay) where he later received his PhD in organic chemistry (1994, advisor: Dr. Samir Z. Zard). After post-doc positions in polymer chemistry in Strasbourg then in Groningen (NL), since 1998 he has been appointed CNRS Associate Scientist at the University...

Joseph Chamieh

Assistant Professor (permanent staff)

Joseph Chamieh (MC HC) earned his PhD in analytical chemistry back in 2009 from the University of Strasbourg in France, under the supervision of Dr. Agnès Hagège. His doctoral research centered on advancing silica monoliths for liquid chromatography. Following his PhD, he embarked on a two-year postdoctoral contract in Lyon,...

Hervé Cottet

Full Professor (permanent staff)

Prof. Hervé Cottet graduated from the École Supérieure de Physique et Chimie Industrielles de la ville de Paris (ESPCI, Paris, France) in 1996. He completed his PhD in analytical chemistry in 1999 at the École Nationale Supérieure de Chimie de Paris (ENSCP, Chimie ParisTech, France) under the supervision of Prof....

Isabelle Desvignes

Assistant Professor (permanent staff)

Marta Garrido Álvarez

Graduate student

Laurent Leclercq

Associate Scientist (permanent staff)

Ruairi McGettingan

Graduate student

Chirapha Prakobdi

Graduate student

ROSSI Jean-Christophe
Jean-Christophe Rossi

Assistant Professor (permanent staff)

RUSSO Patrizia
Patrizia Russo

Graduate student

Harshita Sawdekar

Graduate student

Team Publications


Institut des Biomolécules Max Mousseron
UMR 5247
Pôle Chimie Balard Recherche
1919 route de Mende
34293 Montpellier